Sims 2 Premades' One True Hobbies - Pleasantview

Not sure if this would be helpful to anyone else, however I've never been able to easily find information on the premades sims' One True Hobbies (OTH) online and so I thought I'd compile a list for each neighbourhood, starting with Pleasantview since I am most familiar with the families there. I can also add townies and NPCs if that would be of any interest at all.

Because Pleasantview was of course shipped with the base game and predates the Freetime EP, sims' OTHs are generated based on their zodiac, personality, and interests. When starting a new neighbourhood, one of the first - and one of my favourite - things I do is find out each sim's OTH; it's also my favourite thing when a new sim is born in game. You could just look in SimPE before playing or use in-game hacks such as the Sim Blender to see sims' OTHs but I like to do it the long way and try out every hobby until I get that magical pop up. If you'd rather not have to do all that, though, this list could hopefully save you that trouble. 

In order of the gameplay guide:

Don Lothario: Fitness.

Mortimer Goth: Nature;
Cassandra Goth: Tinkering;
Alexander Goth: Nature.

Dina Caliente: Nature;
Nina Caliente: Fitness.

Brandi Broke: Arts & Crafts;
Dustin Broke: Nature;
Beau Broke: Music & Dance.

Darren Dreamer: Nature;
Dirk Dreamer: Tinkering.

Daniel Pleasant: Tinkering;
Mary-Sue Pleasant: Music & Dance;
Angela Pleasant: Nature;
Lilith Pleasant: Sports.

John Burb: Nature;
Jennifer Burb: Music & Dance;
Lucy Burb: Film & Literature.

Herb Oldie: Nature;
Coral Oldie: Film & Literature.

Of course, you can always change these if you want - there are a few that don't really match too well but others seem spot-on to me so I tend to keep them. It's up to you whether you completely change everyone's OTH or leave them as they are. 

In my Pleasantview, there's definitely an abundance of Nature sims! Sports is catching up too. Currently, I only have one born in-game Cuisine sim (Eve Pleasant) and two Games sims (Kyla Burb and Willow Goth), and no Science or Film & Literature sims ㅜㅜ I'm hoping I'll see some soon...

Since I'm also working my way through Bluewater Village as part of my Pleasantview, I imagine that will be the next neighbourhood I do this for. In Strangetown I only found out a few sims' hobbies but I am in the process of restarting, so I'm sure that post will also be coming soon!


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