The Pleasant Family (1)

History seems to have repeated itself for Eve Pleasant, the third daughter of Mary-Sue and Daniel. After leaving her cheating husband Morty Lothario, she's had to raise her three children alone. Will she forgive Morty, or will someone else come along to sweep her off her feet?


The youngest of three daughters, Eve finds it ironic that her namesake was the first woman. She like being in the kitchen experimenting with food and complains that restaurants just aren't 'authentic enough'. Her dream is to be the first chef in space.

Age: Adult (9 days to elder)
Zodiac: Leo
Aspiration(s): Popularity/Knowledge
Lifetime Want: Become Celebrity Chef
Career: Prep Cook (Culinary Lvl. 6)
One True Hobby: Cuisine


Neat (6);
Outgoing (8);
Lazy (2);
Serious (4);
Nice (6)

Interests: Culture (8); Food (9); Fashion (8); Paranormal (8); Work (8); Weather (8)

Romances: David Dreamer, Morty Lothario (divorced), Clarence Philipine


Age: Teenager (8 days to adult)
Zodiac: Pisces
Aspiration(s): Knowledge)
Lifetime Want: Become Education Minister
Career: Public School Student (A+)
One True Hobby: Tinkering


Neat (8);
Shy (1);
Active (10);
Serious (3);
Nice (8)

Interests: Entertainment (8); Fashion (8); Sports (9); Work (8); School (8); Weather (8)


Age: Child (3 days to teenager)
Zodiac: Aries
Aspiration(s): Grow Up (Popularity)
Lifetime Want: -
Career: Public School Student (B+)
One True Hobby: Science


Neat (9);
Outgoing (9);
Lazy/Active (5);
Playful (6);
Nice (6)

Interests: Sports (9); Paranormal (9); School (9)


Age: Child (3 days to teenager)
Zodiac: Aries
Aspiration(s): Grow Up (Popularity)
Lifetime Want: -
Career: Public School Student (B+)
One True Hobby: Music and Dance


Neat (6);
Outgoing (8);
Lazy (4);
Serious (4);
Nice (7)

Interests: Paranormal (8); Animals (9)

Family Tree

This family's very... tangled, so it's difficult to show the whole tree. If anyone would be interested though, I could make a smaller version where I list the relationships.


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